Betting Articles

What was I thinking....

Sometimes I need a hefty slap to the side of my head or a good firm kick in the seat of my pants - probably either will do - just to get me focussed on the things I should be focussing on rather than on the enormous workload I sometimes create for myself.

I received one such slap last week.

I've been exceptionally busy over the last month running my tipping services, researching emerging trends in a variety of betting markets and generally running myself ragged with not enough focus.

Imagine my horror then, when I realised that for more than week, I had failed to place a single bet on one of the systems I've developed for this here blog.

One of those systems is called Mud Maestros and I made it available to blog readers in early December last year (You can see the original post here).  It's one of those systems that doesn't throw up a vast number of bets - it relies on backing certain trainers when the ground comes up heavy so it has short busy periods interspersed with long periods in which nothing much is going on.

I truly hope some of you have stuck with it ( fingers firmly crossed!) - it's a great little system and well worth the small investment of time required to ensure there are selections or not.

I failed to invest that time - simply due to time pressures and general stupidity.

So imagine my horror last week when I finally got around to checking on it - having realised that I'd managed to miss a few days of heavy ground - only to discover that one of the qualifiers I missed had gone in at 125/1 (212 at Betfair SP!)

Gymdoli did the business for trainer R Nixon on heavy ground at Hexham on 21st November.  I don't think I've ever felt sicker to have missed a winner.

I guess I've just got to wipe my mouth and learn my lesson! Focus and discipline shall be my watchwords from now on.  I really hope some readers were on it - but having heard nothing, I fear the worst.

If you don't already have a copy of the system, please download it with my compliments:

Mud Maestros System

It's a cracking little system producing profits in every one of the last 5 years - and stands at an amazing +378 points profit in that time. And remember, that's at industry SP,  the Betfair SP profits will have been much, much higher.

I hope you enjoy it - and please spare a little thought for me and my missed 125/1 winner!

I'll speak to you later in the week







Is it Just Luck?
Xmas Tipping Competition....


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