Betting Articles

Posting Smorgasbord

Today’s post is a bit of a hotch potch of info rather than a single themed opus and there is a lot to cover so I will crack straight on with it.

The MYBP Christmas Tipping Competition went to post with 53 runners and the first race was at Cheltenham last  Saturday.

10 of the 53 tipsters managed to find Quantitativeeasing as the winner (no mean feat in a 16 runner handicap)  and they sit proudly atop the table with 6 points apiece. Second race is on Saturday 17th December and is the Tommy Whittle chase at Haydock.

The 10 jumping to the front are:

Big Al








The Trickster


Well done to all!

Some of our other tipsters can count themselves pretty unlucky with Medermit and Roudoudou Ville just buckling under in the run up the hill. The race still looks wide open with some pretty shrewd tipsters travelling strongly, just in behind.

Enough of the racing cliches. I’m boring myself without it now, so I know everybody else has had enough.


Freeness Alert

I have some freeness to report.

Cricket tipster and pro gambler Anth is giving away a One Day Cricket betting system . I've had a look through and it looks very promising.

Grab the free system here

Anth used to be a Ladrokes office manager (we won’t hold that against him, much!) before drawing stumps and becoming a full time punter. He specialises in Cricket side markets and, from all reports, he’s pretty darned good at it.

He will be launching his tipping service later this week and for the last year he has been proofing his selections to a variety of online betting monitors and has produced verified profits in that time of over 100 points.

Readers who know just how difficult it is to find an edge in any kind of sports betting will realise just how impressive a performance that is. There are not many sports tipping services out there who even get close to those kind of figures.

Naturally, there is no obligation to purchase anything so my suggestion is head over there and grab the free stuff!

Excellent Free System Here


 Comment Competition

I'm enjoying the tipping competition so much , I thought, I would run another for some additional Christmas cheer.

I will send a £20 Amazon voucher to the person who leaves the most interesting/useful comment on the blog between now and Christmas day. The comment can be about anything betting related.

It could be a tip that you think other readers might find useful.

It could be a tale of punting glory/woe.

It could be your thoughts on how you are going to improve your betting next year.

Anything you like, so long as it’s not offensive. Get your thinking caps on and win yourself £20! Usual competition rules apply. I will be the final judge of the which entry wins, etc, etc, blah,blah


Finally today, news of the performance of a trial I have been running with a group of readers over the last month. The trial ended last week and, even though I say so myself, the results were excellent.

The idea for a trial came about when I realised that Evening Selections would be a perfect addition to the Morning Value Service that I run (currently around 100 points profit since launch).

The selections are for Evening racing and are sent out around half an hour before the first race on each day (when there’s an evening meeting obviously). They are value selections – horses that I feel have been mispriced by the bookmakers and that therefore offer betting value.

The results were as follows:

Bets: 115

Winners: 25

Win Strike Rate: 21.73%

P/L: + 56.33 points

Return on investment: 48.98%

To put that in perspective, testers who had a £10 win bet on each selection, walked away from the trial with an extra £563.30 in their pockets. Not bad for 10 minutes work in the late afternoon.

I’m pretty proud of those results, as you can probably tell ;)

As a result of tester feedback, I’ve decided to run a service providing these selections to a small group of clients. I’m currently only offering the service to readers of the blog prior to a full launch in the New year.

The service is exceptionally reasonably priced for pre -launch members and will be considerably more when I do a wider launch in January.

If you might be interested in securing an early bird, discounted membership, please contact me at

That’s all for now but I’ll be back later in the week.

Christmas Tipping Competition
Heavy Ground Heros


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