Betting Articles

The Return of Prince Monolulu?

Glorious Goodwood is over for another year and, despite it being somewhat of a punting graveyard for myself, it remains my favourite meeting in the Flat calendar.  It’s easily the most beautiful course in the country and the mixture of toffs, spivs, celebs and geezers it attracts is a joy to behold. I’m always half-expecting Prince Monolulu to put in an appearance.

I was there on the Tuesday to see Charlie Cool (a horse I own a small piece of) perform creditably in defeat, running on through tiring horses to finish midfield. Frankel would have struggled to win from his draw so I wasn’t too disappointed.

Speaking of Frankel, I would have loved to have been there on the Wednesday to witness his demolition of Canford Cliffs, a feat that I doubted possible before the race.  I knew he was good – I just didn’t realise he was quite that good!

On the punting front I fared poorly, as seems to be par for the course on my visits to the Sussex Downs. I managed to bag Labarinto and Meeznah on the Thursday but, those aside, a seemingly endless string of 2nd places ensured the fiddlers had a profitable week.


 I’ve been using the Signposts feature on the Totesport website recently and it’s a cracking little free tool. It allows you to see, at a glance, a whole raft of interesting stats and trends for the days racing. I’m always a little suspicious of bookmakers offering “punting tools” but I have to say this one really does signpost some winners!

I know it’s powered by the racing post and all the information is available over there but I’m a big fan of the user friendly way it’s presented here. It’s a lot easier to find and navigate.

The data is organised into 4 categories:





There is a vast array of stats and info in each category and my only quibble would be an inability to then navigate from that to further race info.

I find it great for just a quick glance first thing to identify any interesting stats that merit further investigation and on that basis it’s well worth a look


Totesport Signposts


Finally, I have a favour to ask today. Luckily, it’s a favour that if you see fit to get involved, will be of benefit to all of us.

I’ve had a number of requests to increase the number and variety of reviews and trials I carry out on the blog. I’m always keen to get greater info on the good, the bad and the ugly in the betting jungle but I struggle to find the time to do a large number of long term reviews and trials

I’m hoping that there might be a few readers out there in the blogosphere who would be interested in getting free copies of systems/ free trials to tipsters in return for recording the results and writing short reviews on performance.

Clearly you would need to be a reasonably experienced system follower and have the time/inclination to keep accurate records of how a system performs over a period of time. I’m not a fan of betting system trials reviews that end after a month (unless the system throws up a statistically significant number of bets in that time) so these  would probably run for 3 months with an update on how things are going somewhere in the middle and then a full review at the end.

If you are interested in this proposition please contact me initially via with some details of your relevant experience and we will take it from there.

While I’m on the subject, I would welcome any suggestions from readers as to what systems/tipsters you would like to see in future review features.

Here’s hoping we can dig out a few gems!


Have a great week whatever you are backing

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