Betting Articles

Betfair Lambourn Open Day

Long time no speak, dear readers.

Apologies from me. Been a very busy couple of weeks getting my new accounts set up, moving money around like a mob launderer, managing heavy betting commitments and general time sapping nonsense. No excuse though, my loves, I need to display a higher level of commitment to you all and I promise I am working on it!

The title of the post refers to how I will be spending my Good Friday. Getting up nice and early tomorrow to attend The Betfair Lambourn Open Day (bloody Betfair seem to be ubiquitous these days). Looking forward to a great day nosing around a few of the stables, watching some Farrier displays and the like.

All the top NH jocks are likely to be there  and I always enjoy spotting them. Mick Fitzgerald has  always been one of my favourites. A great jockey and a genuinely nice man. I see him around quite often and, though I don't know him, he always says hello and seems friendly.

There are some nice events in the afternoon as well. No point in me going in to too much detail. Have a look at the website here. I hope some of you manage to get there.

For those of you who don't make it, I am hoping to take some video of the day and post it up here. Fingers crossed that my limited technical skills will allow it. It is quite a steep learning curve for a dunce like myself!

Have a great easter everyone.
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